Monday, December 8, 2008

Prize Ribbon Hoghood Neighbors A Poem

Writen by Dennis Siluk

God knows how my neighbor managed to breed himself to Hoghood. His great story to tell, being unhumanized and breaded: Perhaps by luck he will keep his shrewd secret to himself.

In the same way he hopes I'm not like him: rude and self engrossed Prize Ribbon Hog, I call him (slobbering down all he can) He forgets: the desert never forgets nor forgives.

The maze of barns he must have lived though to get here At night he 's a nuisance: girlfriend and gluttonies. An ungrateful hunk of flesh, trying to wear a halo.

#1373 6/21/06, written at EP-Café, Lima, Peru

Note by the Author: I hate to be so harsh with my neighbors, but it seems in the past 35-years, no matter where I live, go, even in hotels and so forth and on, my neighbors are just as rude and engrossed with whatever as one blinded in a storm that they are living this period of time. What will they do when they get old and look back, often makes me think, they will still be blinded in the storm. This lack of consideration for your neighbor is becoming the norm worldwide. They wake you up at any hour and expect you to help them, not because they need help; help on such silly things that are not life threatening: TV antennas, etcetera. Most are users it seems. I even fear to get to know them to well, nowadays, where before it was a nice thing to say: "Good Morning (so and so)" now I try to sneak on by them, the cost to get to know them is to dearly. Now I got to do a computer check, down at the courthouse on them: they never tell you the truth who they are: to shameful I expect; they smile while knowing tomorrow they will rob your house, or pick your pocket, or god knows what.

See Dennis' web site:

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