Saturday, December 20, 2008

Five Fun Themes For A Kids Budget Birthday Party

Writen by Sigrid Gangsoy

Choosing a particular theme for a kid's birthday party can be a fun way to get the whole family involved in a birthday party.

Five themes I'm looking at today are:-

. Monkeys
. Fairies
. Circus
. Bugs
. Specific Color

All of these themes can be done on a budget quite easily. It's just a matter of brainstorming ideas and coming up with the cheapest ways to do things.

For the Fairies theme you can make up invitations by buying the appropriate color card and either drawing a fairy or finding a drawing and copying the outline. Make sure you change certain elements of the drawing to make it your own. You may be able to find the right stationery at the store but hand-made is usually more fun for the children.

An interesting activity you could have for the children would be a coloring activity. This will keep them amused for at least 10 - 15 minutes You could trace a drawing of a fairy, mushroom, castle or something else that is appropriate and then photocopy it. Have the little ones color it inand the colored pencils could then be taken home as a gift for the child.

You could put each of the bundles of colored pencils in a decorated container (a can with pink colored paper with stars or sequins glued in a beautiful design) finished off with a pink and white ribbon.

Another activity you could have could be threading candies, jelly beans, colored pop corn onto strings as necklaces or bangles.

Wand making could be another activity by supplying a colored straw and the children could decorate a star which you have cut out already. You could supply silver stars, glitter, stickers and ribbons. The final part is gluing the star to the straw.

The whole party can be themed in a particular color with streamers, balloons,tablecloth and napkins, all in the selected colors and motifs.

The cake, of course, would be in the selected theme and generally would be only one layer. The children will get a lot of fun out of dressing up but I would mention to the parents of the invitees not to spend a lot of money on an outfit. Try to make a costume out of things that are at home or put together something colorful but affordable - possibly from the local op shop or a local $2 shop.

Goody bags can also be a lot of fun. You may like to get some see through fabric and make the appropriate number of little bags and put a number of little gifts and candies in them. You may find some little appropriate gifts in the $2 shop.

Whilst the above is the Fairy theme you could just alter the activies and the basic ideas for the activities and make them more appropriate to the various other themes.

Whilst I mainly talk about ways to start your cake decorating business, you may be able to offer advice on the theming of people's parties if you feel that you are able. This could be an added service as people are very busy and need all the help they can get. If you can add additional services like this you will gain a great reputation and your business will be seen as something quite unique.

Happy Cake Decorating

Sigrid Gangsoy

Sigrid Gangsoy is a passionate businesswomen who encourages other women to start their own businesses. She wants women to have the greatest flexibility and freedom to earn as much money they want and to give them time flexibility if they have children or other family commitments

To find out more about starting your own cake decorating business please visit:- or if you have any questions please contact me at:-

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