Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Bell Witch Haunting Movie Review

Writen by JLee Davis

Forget the standard chop-em-up, or the freakish fiends in rubber masks. This film has more creepy moments than most of its genre. Although rounded out nicely with a cast of unfamiliar faces, each has been cast in a part suited to him/her. Each comes across as 100% believable, pushing this true story to the edges of your mind and waiting while your spine begins to chill.

Just knowing that The Bell Witch is a very real legend in Tennessee, tends to propel this story to an eerier-than-eerie place where we know we have to finish the movie, but that doesn't finish the haunting in our minds. This isn't some hoax like the Blair Witch Project, or a Hollywood ghost story like The Others. This is the real deal. This family lived this.

From the beginning, you find yourself keeping this thought in the back of your mind. The fact that this was experienced by real people is enough to fuel the icey fingers that take their journey up your spine. It's enough to set you on the edge of your seat to find out what's next. The Bell Witch legend belongs with the likes of The Others and more. Striking us as both fiction and non-fiction, it leads a class of its own.

It tends to put a whole new perspective on ghosts and haunted areas. They can't always be tabled and explained away or put in a film vault.

___________________________ JLee Davis has been writing for over 35 years and is published in many formats including in-print books, print articles, online publications and poetry and erotica collections. Her writing covers a wide variety of topics you can find at - Gaia Publishing -

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