Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Fable Of Big Chest Interlude Phenomenon Of The Ice Age Chapter Three

Writen by Dennis Siluk

Chapter Three

Map of the Pole in Hudson Bay [The pole was not always in the same location]

Interlude [Phenomenon of the Ice Age]

Man's World

"The World has its phenomenon's, and they all come to life in man's: dreams and visions, and if he lives long enough—his realities. 'After Eve,' is one such phenomenon."

I must say at this intersection of my story, and I must give part of it away by telling you this, for I feel compelled to: as this group headed northbound, they were also stepping into what one might call a observable fact, like the Garden of Eve, in the first book I wrote, pertaining to this very story, of which was of course, the stepping stone to this story—and this being an extension of the previous one; this one consisting of two-dreams within a few days, the other one being one long, very long dream-vision. Now when I say observable fact, I mean something unusual, yet a phenomenon in its own right.

So saying, it is believed, and can be proven: but I am not here to prove anything, but in this story, it should not be taken that the North Pole of today is where it was when Big-chest was alive; oh no, that would be hideous, and not even workable for him—or this story, or practical, nor would it satisfy Mother Nature; in all printability, the group headed north, and north would soon turn into West, and it was, the North Pole at one time existing in the Yukon District, and then again it was in the Greenland Sea area and at another time in the far past, it was in the Hudson Bay area [amongst other places]. And then today we have it where it is, in its geographical location—for now anyhow, or one can also point to its magnetic positions, both being quite a distance apart. But what is actually happening now to Big-chest is that they are, in point of fact—walking into the Arctic region, and will find the Arctic waters are not as wintry as expected, rather a sharp warmer climate, as will be the climatic changes taking place when they, if they—shift west.

Likewise, as they venture into the unknown of the day, they will see the sites of the mountains, when they are really piles of volcanic matter? We are talking about the European side of the world still; all in all, the transition of the North Pole is in transition at this very moment in this story, and in the last 120,000-years it should be noted, it has changed a number of times as I previous said (if we were to go back further in this story, it would have changed positions potentially some 200-times), some believe by the movement of the crust of the earth; producing at times land bridges for migration purposes, and still others believe the crossing of the continents was completed by sunken continents, and yet another theory is crossing by ice, such as ice-bergs or one-hundred mile ice sheets floating from one continent to the other. This is really not my concern, that is, how it happened in the past, that being, farther back than Big-chest, it just did happen, and in this case we got to get Big-chest moving on to where fate calls him. I just hope they will leave their cave and go on further to discover this phenomena and then they will believe, if not you, and so my dream has pointed out. Should they not, they will be left resembling the bones of the walruses. And so we have an Ice Age in the changing mode, dead walruses, and a group of people that seem to be getting along, quite a different scenario than the last hypothesis in: 'Before Eve'.

The Last Member

[It hit each and every member privately.]

There was one more member
That should have been counted—
But no one knew who it was:
On their long journey into the Arctic

He was even counted by his friends,
—Somehow, someway; but once

[Part one of the poem: part two will be in the end chapter]

See Dennis' web site:

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