Friday, October 31, 2008

Minnesota Cowboy A Song

Writen by Dennis Siluk

"Hi, are you a cowboy?" That's what he said to me

One day—walking through a mall I turned to look: then said: "Yes," nodding with a smile.

Then like a storm at night

His eyes grew with awesome light As I –I remembered when: When I was ten, just like him

When—I was ten when I was ten I remember when I was only ten Running with the wind— no horse No horse only a friend

Yes I remember when I lived my dreams like him I played my cowboy whims

To the very end—

In a city vacant lot On a hill that wasn't much

And if I would have known A real cowboy I would have grown That awesome special light Those only cowboys have at ten

Yes I remember when I was only ten With cowboy hats and guns

I'd run until the sun

Came down Singing my cowboy songs—

And when the air was crisp and wet

My cowboy caps wouldn't –shoot Yes, that's a cowboy's loss

But a cowboy still pretends at ten And keeps running with the wind

Yes, I remember when

I remember when

I remember when

—Thank you Lord,

For sending the cowboy my way

Note: written after seeing a little boy and his mother passing me up and saying, "Are you a real cowboy?" And 'yes,' I nodded with my head) 'Yes,' and he beamed with joy, just because of my cowboy hat. And so I sat and had a cup of coffee, and wrote this poetic-song, and it was produced awhile later at Chapel Recording studios into a song, Mass; originally written 2/22/l997

See Dennis' web site:

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where The Birds Dont Sing Advance To Chapter One A Night With Tequila

Writen by Dennis Siluk

Where the Birds Don't Sing [How it was, Sketches of Life in l971-Vietnam]

Written, 2003 [revised 2005]

Farewell to the Birds

There is a place on this earth Where the birds don't sing,-- Where the troops march, Eating dust and rain; -- Always wondering Where the birds went

As they swiftly move away When one gets off the plane: -- "Farewell!" they sing, "Farewell!" "See you Another day…"

Dlsiluk, Vietnam l971


"Memory is when you look back And the answer floats in To who? What? When? Where? … Sometimes slurred and blurred— This Remembering— …proceeding again to reconstruct What happened and how…"

Carl Sandburg

All sciences natural or not, everything in general to include 'war'–needs a logical system for understanding:--something that was missing in Vietnam, unfortunately.

Chick Evens


A confession: In fact it took me four months to write this book, although only 4-minutes to conceive it; and yet, 33-years to get to it, and eight months to live it—

My idea to write came in October 2002, prior to going to Lima, Peru to visit my wife's relatives, and other friends. I felt a need to connect my prior two volumes "Romancing San Francisco," and "A Romance in Augsburg," together—.

And so, I write of my youthful generation, 32-years past, for this generation of critics now, and for those who simply wish to know.


I am not really all that much for introductions, --they seem to use up a lot of valuable time and space that should really be intertwined into the story and so I will make this brief at best. This is the third part to The Chick Evens Trilogy. It started with the book, "Romancing San Francisco," where karate and a number of other things were brought into the ongoing saga of Chick Evens. There you met Gosei Yamaguchi, world karate champion, and a host of other people, events, and things happening; sketches of life of the late sixties if you will, or better put, a slice of life. The time period was l968-69. From there we went to the second book of the trilogy, which is, "A Romance in Augsburg," taking place in l970, where the main character [Chick Evens] gets drafted out of San Francisco, goes back to St. Paul, and into the Army, and to be quite honest, it is just one of a few romance involved in the trilogy but the most profound in the trilogy; "Romancing San Francisco." But as I was saying, "Romancing San Francisco," its theme in particular, had more to do with Karate per se, --the novel being the catalyst to the trilogy—the stepping stone if you will.

And now for the last part of the trilogy, which takes place in l971, in Vietnam, and here again, you get war, affairs, some adventure, and a trip to Australia where a few other things take place. All three novels consume 27-months of active time [with 15-months of in-between time; which I call lingering time]; thus, making it a forty-two month saga in total. The sketches are linked together, as are all three novels. It starts from the summer of l968, and ends in the fall of l971. Some may find this a bit different, as far as a novel goes, because of the sketches, but it is no different than some of the books or short stories linked together as sketches done in the 1920's throughout the 40's.

"Americans believe in freedom and the dignity of man. They back that belief with action. The Americans in Vietnam know war at first hand. They see it for what it is. War is fear cloaked in courage. It is excitement overlaying boredom. It is close friendships, with loneliness only a thought away. It is compassion in the midst of destruction. It is dedication winning over weariness and frustration. War is paying a terrible price today for a better tomorrow. …

The Major Kelly's—and the Private Smith's and all the others—have given America more than they have taken from her. And they are still giving…"

General William C. Westmoreland

[Commander, U.S. Forces in Vietnam]

The Story:

"Where the Birds Don't Sing"

Preface ≈

A Letter to the Editor by Chick Evens, l972

"It was a decade of change and challenges for the world, America in particular, it was 'The New Generation,' that's what we were called it I guess, the Age of Aquarius was around the corner. For me it started in l967 in St. Paul Minnesota when I decided to join it by preparing to leave my nice little city by the Mississippi, and it wouldn't stop for me until December l971, we might just as well say l972. In any case, the 60's and early 70's produced an avalanche of changes. As I went from St. Paul, the conservative city of culture, to San Francisco, the radical city of the west, and onto West Germany, for a romance that would stick to me like glue for many years to come, and over to Vietnam, for a war that had many limitations, some expectations, and too many variables. In this short time of 42-months, between the Summer of l968 and the fall of l971, the long hair, mod dress [hippies], drugs, sexual freedoms, anti-establishment ideas where much more plentiful, one might say, than ten years prior to this. The so called, 'New Generation,' had a romantic fever within its veins. Actually, between l959 and l965, such things would have been unbelievable. But it is how it was, and I was in the heart of it. Chick Evens

A Night with Tequila [Post, San Francisco: -- l969]

I was in-between going into the Army, which would bring me to Augsburg, Germany, and then on to Vietnam, and leaving San Francisco, where I had lived for a year, and practiced karate with the famous Gosei Yamaguchi, and worked for the famous cloth designing company, Lilli Ann. Thus, leaving San Francisco, I had went down to Southern California to meet with my brother, he and I then ventured down to Mexico for a day where I bought a bottle of tequila, with the worm in it. This would prove to be an adventure in itself, with an unforgettable night, linger in the future; notwithstanding, I will leave out the trouble that took place in Mexico, and be thankful we got out in one piece, and with my bottle of Tequila: and leave it at that, but let me add, the beer was heavy, and we almost got in a fight with several Mexican Soma -type looking wrestlers. In any event, we did make it out alive, as you are reading this, and therefore I must have.

And then on to [bask to that is] St. Paul, Minnesota our home city and state; --my brother, myself, his wife and two-kids went by car, and yes I carried my bottle of Tequila, all the way. I had never drunk the stuff before, and figured I'd save it for a special occasion, hoping it would come soon. Plus, it would be a new experience for me when I did drink it, that is to say, showing everyone that damn famous worm, everyone talks about. When you moved the bottle of Tequila about–you could actually see the worm floating every which way.

We spent a day in Salt Lake City, Utah, as we had found a cheap, small motel close to the inner city; my brother's wife got chased back to the motel for being out past 10:00 PM without her husband, as she was trying to buy some groceries.

I think we had a good laugh on that, that evening.

I didn't see much of the city, although I did look for a few bars, I guess everything was either underground, or they had some secret black market where they hid the booze, but there was no chance for a nice cold beer, I figured that out quick. In any case, the night came quick, and we all slept well; the morning came quick also.

We took turns—that is, my brother and I took turns driving his car over the long dusty roads, but the weather was pleasing, a bit warm yet it made driving comfortable.

When we arrived in St. Paul, it was but a few weeks before my brother decided to head on up to North Dakota, Grand Forks, to help put in a cement platform, for a garage in, helping out his father-in-law. I told him I'd go along and help if he didn't mind, and it all seemed quite productive, for the most part. And when the day arrived to leave' --yes again, I carried my bottle of Tequila all the way to the Dakota's with me: almost as if it was a gift from the god's.


As we arrived in Grand Forks, we all stayed at my brother's father-in-law's house, the very house we were to do the construction work at, in the back yard. The hot weather was starting to leave the Midwest, and the cooler air was coming down from Canada, as September crept in slowly. It was a good time to work the construction part, that is, without sweating to death. The Midwest was extremes, hot in the summer and cold in the winter. In fall, it was perfect, especially for construction.

As I got to meet the rest of my sister-in-law's family, I think I must have been saving this bottle of Tequila for this occasion, for I had a sense it was not going to make it back home. I had hid the bottle in my brother's car, and drank beer the first night I was there with the rest of the relatives. His wife had several bothers and we all sat around getting drunk, --talking about how we were going to go about building the wooden frame of the foundation, to pour the cement for the garage: that is, the ground work was already done, leveled and the wooden frame needed to be made, this could be done quickly in the morning with long two-by-four boards, thereafter, we'd do the cement work, and then we'd stay an extra day and have a get together, kind of celebration. It all sounded grand.

During this time I had met Paula, a friend of the family. I was twenty years old, and she was seventeen, we both seemed somewhat attracted to one another—time would tell.


As we worked all day the following day on the cement, digging a foundation, putting up sides-boards to pour the cement, and measuring, along with putting in other sources of support like, stones etc., we finally did pour the cement, and it turned out better than what I had hoped for. We really did not need professionals, only a good thought out plan, effort, and a gathering of the willing.

Now it was party time. Paula told me to skip the get together with the family at my brother's wife's house, for the time being, and head on to her friend's house, and join their party this evening, and we'd come back to join the family workers later, for they also would be having a party. It all sounded reasonable to me.

As we got to the party [7:00 PM] Paula introduced me to several of her young friends, and I pulled out from underneath my jacket the bottle of Tequila I had purchased in Mexico, the one with the worm in it.

Paula said,

"What is that thing in the bottle?" As she was reading the label that said 'Tequila,' on it, she added, "I heard of this stuff, it's pretty strong, isn't it?"

[A rhetorical question at best] "It's a genuine worm alright," I clarified, adding, "…that is what indicates it's the original Mexican thing." I really didn't know what I was talking about—for the most part—but whatever the 'thing [worm], meant,' none the less, made for good conversation.

As we sat on the sofa in the living room of her friend's house I checked Paula out, I liked her, she looked a little French-Canadian, that is to say, she had a natural tan to her skin, almost olive. She had short black hair, a shapely body, to include a pear like base [or underneath --about 5' 3" inches tall, stunning looks, a real beauty.

We both had a few of the beers the folks at the party offered, and then I opened up the Tequila.

She asked me [pleadingly-with a touch of humor] "Should I try to drink the worm when it surfaces out of the bottle or see if it comes out of the bottle while I pour it into my glass, and then drink it?"

"Forget the glass, take a swig right out of the spout, and if you get the worm, swallow it. That's the best way to do it. Let's see who gets to it first." We both smiled at one another, and down the 'hatch' we drank our first, longgggg-shot. I drank about three shots at once, --along with taking some salt at the same time putting it on my hand and licking it; someone had told me to do it, it was actually a little more agreeable with the salt, the Tequila that is. And then Paula did the same. No one got the worm; we again looked at one another and laughed.

"Ham m," we both hummed at each other.

"Let's try again," I said contentedly...

As the night went on, a few of the folks from my brother's wife's family, along with my brother came over to the party to check on Paula and me. They saw we were drinking away like two silly kids. I was now 21-years old, I could legally drink, but Paula wasn't, --I think they were more worried about Paula, being 17, and I suppose I may have looked a little dangerous to my sister-in-law, being with her younger sister.

They sat by us and had a few drinks of the Tequila, and then feeling all was well and under control left us to ourselves. They were only up the block about four houses in any case, meaning, if they needed to run to her rescue, they could. I think they were afraid I'd steal her away and run to Minnesota with her, --or her with me. We were just having a good ol'-time, no more, no less.

At 11:00 PM, Paula asked if we should call it a night, we were both getting pretty drunk.

"No, no," I said, "Let's finish the whole bottle and whoever ends up with the worm is the winner." [Although the winner only got the worm.]

"Ok, Ok," she atheistically said, at first glance.

1:00 PM

[Halfheartedly I told Paula.] "It looks like my turn to drink." Yet, I could hardly find the bottle, let alone see the worm. At great length I put my hand out to grab the bottle:

"Ok, here it is," I took a big drink, "…the worm is still in there Chick," Paula commented. I looked I couldn't see it, "I must of drank it," I replied, no answer.


Paula [who has risen] "Who got the worm?" she asked, no answer. She moved about, trying to stretch, laying on the floor next me, where she had passed out, and I on the sofa had passed out right along with her [a pause].

"I think I got it," I grabbed the bottle on the floor with the Tequila label on it, it was empty, and the worm was gone.

"I think I ate it, or swallowed it, and then I must have passed out," I explained to her [a little stiffly].

"No," she replied, "I think you tried to get the worm out, and couldn't, and there was a little substance left, and I had the next try, and got it out." We looked at each other [wearily] struggling to up on a smile and started laughing. Whoever got the worm we would never know for sure? But one of us did.

"I think Paula," I commented, "…we both ate the worm, I got half and you got half. If I recall right, I got the worm out safe and sound, and poured the rest of the Tequila in a glass, and cut the worm in half, and we both had the last drink together each getting half the worm."

"Really," she said, [after listening for a moment].

"Absolutely," I wasn't sure of anything, but I dreamt it or for some reason it came out naturally. Who knows after you drink a fifth of Tequila what happened to the worm, maybe it walked away. Whatever the case, Paula was a little more agreeable with that ending to the worm.

Vietnam 1971

I doubt in any war you'll find the birds singing: -- I never did hear them in Vietnam, nor did I hear the Sounds of Americans hooraying their heroes as they Came home; --there was really nothing for a Soldier

Except another Soldier in those far off days.

See Dennis' web site:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Luau Party Decorations For A Hawaiian Themed Celebration

Writen by Gail Leino

Luau's are all about the good weather, beautiful scenery, and fun atmosphere of the Hawaiian Islands - something to think about when planning your party decorations. If you intend on throwing your own luau, you need not be located in Hawaii, but it sure does help to bring in a hint of the Hawaiian Islands to your party to establish your theme. This task can be taken care of through creative planning and the purchasing of luau themed party decorations.

Whether holding your party indoors or outdoors, it is nice to suggest the amazing landscape and vegetation of Hawaii. In this case, palm trees are a fantastic way to add a little flare to your walls inside, or fences outside. These decorative additions can be found online at, and then posted to your walls inside or the your fences outdoors. They're over five feet tall and their metallic sheen will help to add some glitz and glam to your luau themed party.

Other party decoration are a bit more rustic but will mesh well with your shimmering palm tree decorations. A beautiful center piece for you lunch or dinner tables is a bamboo torch candle which can be grouped with Tiki candles to create a look that brings the native Hawaiian culture to your home or backyard.

As the sun sets and your guests sit down to a luau feast, some extra lighting will be in order. Tropical lights can be strung to create a fun ambient light feature that will attract positive attention as well as serve a much needed purpose.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Luau Party Supplies, decorations, favors, paper goods, centerpieces and scene setters. Plus, free party games, printable activities, coloring pages, word find to help complete your event.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Manticore Of Sumer The Second Soul Of Queen Shubad Chapters 5 Amp 6 The Killings Reedited

Writen by Dennis Siluk

Chapter Five
The Killings

For myself, I was like in a trance, when I heard what she had done, was doing, and my eyes being part of her vision quest; saw what she down in a vision, as Manual sucked her thoughts out, and I his. Whom was this new radiant being, soul of a lost queen, existence out of a mist, a spirit out of a dark corner of a hollow tablet. She had taken the wings of her soul and few from Peru, where my father was in Huancayo, to Lima, where I had lived, and like a whale, or spawning tuna, she found her way back home, to her ancient land of Sumer, where archeologists had dug her remains up years before. (They all like to remove them, but in doing so, they leave the haunting residue; all in the name of civilized Archeology.) The high culture of Sumer was perhaps 3500 BC; she was not yet born then, but the gods of Sumer were; they were the Titans of Crete, the god's of Egypt, all went to Sumer eventually. They were the offspring, the hybrids of the Angelic Renegades of the time of Enoch.

What did she do after my father's? She looked for her bones, her residue, under the shade of a willow-tree. Once in Lima again, she had gazed into the eyes of a child, her soaring and bent spirit was indeed in a revelation to the child, who saw a deadly Manticore ready to feast on her: she—the queen Manticore, as the child moved away, her joy and rapture was supreme! She devoured it like a giant snake would devour giant rodents, with one leap. It was not so different than the sacrifices 4500-years ago she felt. The folks of Lima, all held their child's hands firmly, to go on with their daily discourse:

"We can perhaps contact the other two parts of her soul, it will take some astronomical calculations," said Mary Garcia. It was why I called her to my house, to see if it was possible with this true orientation I was having, possible to use astrology in this quest.

But let me continue with the Beast part of the Queen, the second soul, the Manticore. The child was only the first day, and as unsusceptible as it sounds, nevertheless, I will continue, day-by-day if need be. It was by this means, rip and tar, and devour the Manticore intensified her feeding, or feeling for the need of flesh.

Dead hearts were found in empty tombs throughout Lima, Peru, men, women, all died with a mystery behind them; a magic mystery. They corresponded exactly with the time period my father died, and the tablet was given to me, and this meeting.

"In such times as these we need supernatural wisdom, a thunderbolt would help. There are only loose ends to tie up I do believe, and if we can capture it, all the better, and now that I've learned what I've learned, I have no intentions to gather her other souls—the more I think about it—save, we all become a party to more dead bodies. We must do this fast, while she is at her own gravesite, which I think she is now. We must recapture her, and put her back into where she came from.

"Now as to this tablet, perhaps we can use its magic later, or in capturing her, it has some principles of darkness to it.

Chapter Six The Candle of Life

We all believed something had to be done, just what it was, was not clear. To be honest, just the thinking of the forthcoming ordeal with the Queen's Second Soul, was terror, it put all of us in a state of terrorism. But she had killed, and not only once but several times in two weeks. Until you've actually lived through it, it is hard to express in words how terror works, it has to be experienced, it manifests its self inside you, unknown danger, which is known only by the soul, the whole nature of it is different.

"We all remained sitting around the table with high spirits, thinking, off and on even some enthusiasm cheeped in, speculative moods came over us. Coffee and coke at our sides, potato chips, some popcorn. Surely this was natural to-night we had to engaged ourselves with the spiritual dead, and summons the second soul of the Queen to us, or go to her: we didn't have a real plan though, I mean, if she really came then what. Perhaps we were thinking of the thrill more than the consequences. Once we did this, she'd know who and where we were, although she knew of me already.

As we looked, and looked at the Queen's sculpture, read the chant on the tablet, it was magnificent, a tiger cat of some great size, with her beautiful head appeared in the mirror across from me, behind the backs of the girls. Her mouth was open wide; her claws were stained with blood. My colleges saw me in amazement, and turned about, and then they saw her also, she motioned me to step back from my seat, and I did—not sure why, and I saw murder in her eyes, tears were dropping from the cheeks of Florencia, Mary and Gloxinia; Manual, covered his eyes with his palms, wiping them several times, and jumped up and ran to the kitchen. The girls were kind of frozen in place. I gripped my way around the table, staring into the mirror, but I stumbled and fell and when I did, I was unconscious, for when I awoke, it was all dark in the house, accordingly, I opened up the curtains, let in the morning air and sunlight. The storm I thought was over, and even said: thank god the night has passed, then I went back to the table quickly to see the girls: merciful god I said, pain in my face, I knew, I sensed it, sick at heart, all lay on the table face down, in terror, impenetrable terror in their eyes, their necks were broken, all my companions, necks broken, and on the kitchen floor, gazing upward was Manuel, hands over his face, trying to protect his eyes from the claws of the Manticore I expect, and his guts laying open on his chest. Then I sat down, to write this letter, and I fear, the words I have will never be good enough to describe what happened, for the scene was undescriptive: plus, I will never be allowed to make it to the hospital I fear: the mirror has eyes, the candle of life will soon be out of me: I've just noticed a hole in my chest."

6/18/2006 dated to Ben S.

See Dennis' web site:

Monday, October 27, 2008

Tales Of The Warner Brothers

Writen by Stephen Schochet

The four Warner Brothers, which included the womanizing Jack, the conservative Harry, the quiet Albert and the visionary Sam, had risen from obscurity with The Jazz Singer (1927) the first famous and financially successful talking movie ever made. Tragically, Sam Warner, the real brains behind the whole project, died of a brain tumor two days before The Jazz Singer's debut. Jack was thrilled by the film's success, but crushed by his brother's death. He became difficult to deal with for the rest of his life. His older and more conservative brother Harry and he fought constantly over money and Jack's womanizing ways. One time Harry chased Jack through the studio with a two by four threatening to kill him. The feud became so bitter that Jack opted to play tennis rather than attend Harry's funeral in 1958. One time Jack met Albert Einstein," Mr. Einstein, I have my own theory of relativity. Don't hire them."

Warner was fascinated by Einstein especially the physicists detailed descriptions of stars. After he left Jack told a staff member," Sign this Betelgeuse guy to a contract. Einstein think he has potential."

Despite or maybe because of his aborted singing career, Jack Warner seemed to resent similar ambitions in others. One day her was strolling through the studio lot when he heard a young man singing with a beautiful voice. It was coming from the security guard shack. Curious, the mogul walked up to question his startled employee.

"Young man, was that you singing?" "W-why yes Mr. Warner." "Young man you have a beautiful voice." "Oh thank you Mr. Warner." "MM. Tell me, young man, what would you rather be? A security guard or a singer?" "Oh Mr. Warner, I dreamed of being a singer." "Ok young man. You're fired!"

Jack Warner treated all of his employees with derision, but none worse than the writers. Many of them although better paid at the studio than they ever were writing novels, resented the nine to five routine they were forced to adhere to at the Warner's factory. Where the actors were free to leave the studio at lunch the writers had to be "chained" to their typewriter. One time Warner called a writer into the studio screening room for his suggestions on how to fix a weak script." I'm sorry Mr. Warner. I have no ideas after five."

Another time Jack called in a writer to his office. "Look pally, I got to fire you because I heard you were a communist. " "Mr. Warner, please! I'm not a communist, I'm an anti-communist!" "I don't care what kind of commie you are! You are out of here!"

Well after The Jazz Singer's success, Jack remained sensitive to religious matters. When he hired a stage actor named Jules Garfield, he told him, "Ok, we have to change your name. How about James Garfield?" "Mr. Warner I don't want to change my name. Anyhow James Garfield was a President. Why don't you change my name to Abraham Lincoln?" "Forget it Garfield. Abraham's too Jewish. We're not going to give the wrong impression." After much arguing they compromised with John Garfield.

Warner's actors gave as well as they got. Humphrey Bogart called him a creep. Errol Flynn actually threatened to kill him. James Cagney, after driving down the road and seeing Pat O'Brian's name billed above his on a movie marquee sued him for breach of contract and won. Betty Davis, constantly complaining about the films she was cast in, fled to England to perform on the stage only to have Warner track her down and legally compel her to return. But perhaps the toughest of all his battles was with actor George Raft. Raft, who hung out with gangsters like Bugsy Siegel in real life, was loath to be cast as a thug on the screen. He turned virtually every role he was offered. Finally, Jack decided to buy George out of his contract. "Will $10,000 do it?" He asked George wearily. To Jack's astonishment, George pulled out his own checkbook, promptly paid his boss $10,000 and stormed out of the office!

About The Author

Stephen Schochet is the author and narrator of the audiobooks Fascinating Walt Disney and Tales Of Hollywood. The Saint Louis Post Dispatch says," these two elaborate productions are exceptionally entertaining." Hear realaudio samples of these great, unique gifts at

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Payday Your Free Market Role Playing Begins

Writen by Seer Rhykan

Payday! The players have their new credit cards. Some have cash! They refinanced the house. Things are looking good.

Let's follow Jim and George to the Mall. They have a nice new SUV and the tank is full. We will pick them up in suburbia, it is about $15.00 worth of gas from the Big Box they want to visit about 5 miles down the road.

As they drive along we see them stop for some Fast Food. Back on the road again, they stop at a park. They heard on the Sat. radio that some Dragons where loose there. As they arrive they see 20 or 30 City and State Police gathered near the entrance.

Have you boys got any ID? Of course officer, here is my 2005 Dragon permit and my permit to carry. OK boys, have fun and Taser him for me!

Oh no! The Taser battery is dead! Maybe we can borrow one from those nice officers back at the entrance. Lets go, I think I can smell something coming. Hurry! As they jog toward the park entrance they can hear heavy footsteps coming up behind them fast. Afraid to look back they pick up the pace and start running in earnest.

Back at the Big Box a crowd has gathered in front of the 84" TV that is set up in the electronics department. The dragon hunt is on satellite TV live. There are cameras hovering overhead in the new silent drones. Jim and George are the featured players at the moment.

Jim is starting to panic a he gets closer to the staging area. His wallet drops from his pocket. All his cash is in there! He turns, and sees the thundering crowd that is behind him. Someone dodges out of the crowd and scoops up his wallet before he has a chance to go back and get it. The guy who scooped it is gone from site, blending into the crowd like a footprint on the sand.

Now George is wondering what is happening. JIM, what are you doing? We have to get out of here. Its welfare day, forget about the Dragon! We have to get to the liquor store before it runs out of wine.

Jim sees the guy with his wallet! He grabs him and jerks the wallet out of his pocket. Lucky for Jim the guy had no time to spend the cash and then sell his ID to a Credit card Scammer in some 3rd word country.

The crowd in front of the TV cheers as Jim and George break out of the park into the staging area. They decide to go to the liquor store and then call it a day. On the way home they discuss the next round of the game. There will be an article about the "Dragon Panic" in the Times tomorrow.

My games and blog ( are devoted to the next phase in marketing - Role Playing for the New World! As I explain and show the fun that it can be to play the role of a Banker, a President, or a crazed terrorist with 85 lbs of explosives strapped to your 80 lb frame. Imagine! wandering into the Harry Potter premier! Visions of virgins dancing in yor head! Maybe you will want to play the part of a mortgage broker? Help people 'get the home they have always wanted' during a housing bubble!! Talk about realistic! There will be Tech bubble guys, gold bugs, free article writers, gurus of all kinds. All dedicated to helping you spend money you have not earned yet. Write on target.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Smoking Why People Start And Why They Should Stop

Writen by Anne Wolski

The epidemic of smoking-related diseases is one that only the potential victims can abolish. Smoking is among the most common habits in the Western world and this dangerous habit will kill a large number of those who engage in it.

It is amazing to think that people would continue to smoke after their first experimental cigarette which causes coughing and nausea. However, the majority of smokers enjoy the taste and smell of tobacco smoke and so they continue on with this potentially lethal habit. Sometimes the ritual of smoking creates pleasure and relaxation itself. For some people, it is a social habit and makes them feel part of the crowd. This is particularly so of people who are shy. Having something to do with their hands when in company helps them to appear more in control and self-confident.

Smokers say that smoking settles their nerves when they are stressed. Some say it also stimulates them and, in both cases, there is some truth. This is due to the nicotine or more precisely, the dose of nicotine as well as other factors. There is also a genuine physical addiction to nicotine so that when the person concerned is not able to get the drug, he or she suffers from withdrawal symptoms which are relieved only by having another cigarette.

A person can have a psychological addiction to smoking as well as the physical addiction. Although the person does not really need that cigarette, he or she misses the perceived enjoyment it used to bring. It has often become such an ingrained habit that the smoker lights up automatically without any thought about it.

In recent years, public opinion against smoking has resulted in policies to restrict the areas where smokers can engage in their habit. Many hotels, restaurants, shopping centres and workplaces have become no-smoking zones. In many places, governments are claiming damages from the billion-dollar tobacco industry to finance the ever growing costs of healthcare for smoking-related diseases.

There is definitely a strong correlation between children's smoking and the smoking habits of parents and older siblings. The family bond and the desire to be like their parents is the likely cause of this. As young children, many are very disapproving of their parents smoking habits but by the early teens, their thinking begins to change. Often, these young people identify drinking and smoking with the ideal of being an adult.

Early studies just after World War II, concluded that the main cause of lung cancer was definitely cigarette smoking. After comparing a number of variables, it was concluded that only one in two hundred male lung cancer patients were nonsmokers with a similar level of statistics found among women. Other conclusions were that the chances of dying from lung cancer increased with heavier smoking habits. More recent studies have shown that smoking is also a contributory factor in diseases such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and coronary heart disease. It has also been shown that smokers generally live a shorter lifespan than nonsmokers. .

Many people are unaware that it is the toxic substances in the vaporized tar that causes the damage to smokers rather than the nicotine. These tars contain thousands of toxic chemicals, some of which are known carcinogenics. Other interesting factors include the fact that smokers are twice as likely to die before retirement age as nonsmokers. There is also some evidence that filter-tipped cigarettes reduce the risk of disease minimally but not enough to consider them a safe option.

Another area of great concern is that of passive smoking. Studies have shown that the cigarette smoke drifting from the burning end of a cigarette contains twice as much carcinogenic tar as that inhaled by the smoker.

The risks to an unborn baby of a smoking mother are also something of which people need to be aware. These mothers have a higher rate of miscarriages and stillbirths than do nonsmoking mothers.

Giving up the cigarettes is easier said than done. There are many products available which may help but, ultimately, it is a battle that the smoker needs to fight for him or her self. Resisting the temptation to have a cigarette, particularly in times of stress, is crucial. Many people give up over and over again but end up back on the smokes. For this reason, it is important to have a plan and to decide, once and for all, that it is the time to give it up. No one is saying it will be easy but millions give up every year so it can be done.

Copyright 2006 Anne Wolski

About The Author
Anne Wolski has worked in the health and welfare industry for more than 30 years. She is a co-director of an information portal with many interesting medical articles and also of which has online physicians who can help you with any questions you may have.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Chosen For You An Inlove Poem

Writen by Dennis Siluk

Chosen for You
[An, in-love poem]

Part One

When I move
When I am by you
I find in each move
Your eyes seeking me
As if love made you of magic
And put you in my hands—

No missing parts
No hollow ends
You are complete
My wife, my friend
Complete, from end to end,
Not a morsel would I change—

It wasn't that long ago
You and I were faceless
In a world that trembles senseless
Then a door opened, wide
For you, you and I
As if a meteor had fallen
Fallen from the sky—

When I do not look at you
Your face, or into your eyes
I know that they are there
For I have searched
Looked for them
All the years of my life

In the darkest, my love
In times I thought I must die
In day, the moon (in gloom)
The streets filled with people
The many eyes with cloths
With all of this in mind

I've never denied my love
The love I had for you
Never ever, in this time!

Part Two

You are mine and
I am yours
Little one
Lovely one
Sleepy one
Sigh or

Part III

We shall climb over
The walls of darkness
Cast the shadows
To the winds
Silently pray in the
House of God:

And we shall travel
The planet; —

Burn our lives
Into pottery unbreakable;

Where fire and soul
Shall meet:

And the menacing hungry
Gulls shall weep,

(and still)

We shall travel and
Burn our lives into pottery; —

Like an earthquake
We shall shake the shaft of light

Hidden underneath the sea
The sea of life

The sea where only God—
And his angels be!...

Note: 9/16/2005: Dedicated to Rosa

See my website for travels, and just enjoyment, Dennis

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sleeping Woman

Writen by Rick Parrott

Throughout the world there are certain constants that thread through mythology. Enduring love is one of the most popular.

Iztaccihuatl was the daughter of a great Aztec ruler in Mexico. She fell in love with Popocatepetl, one of her father's warriors.

When her father learned of their relationship, he sent her lover away to war in Oaxaca. Iztaccihuatl's father told the young man, if he survived and returned he could take his daughter as his wife. Unfortunately, the devious emperor never intended for the young warrior to return and planned to marry Iztaccihuatl to another.

While Popocatepetl was away fighting, Iztaccihuatl was told he was dead. Her grief was so consuming she died of a broken heart. When Popocatepetl returned and discovered her death, he took Iztaccihuatl's body in his arms and carried her to the mountains.

Once there he placed her down on the ground and kneeling beside her died of grief. Taking pity, the gods covered them with a blanket of snow and transformed them into great mountains.

Today Iztaccihuatl is known as the "Sleeping Woman", because the mountain appears to be a woman lying on her side. The young warrior became Popocatepetl, or "Smoking Mountain", the volcano that still morns for the death of his lover.

Parrott Writing Services, a San Antonio Texas company specializing in web content, ghostwriting, website optimization, online/offline ad copy and technical writing to small businesses.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Fable Of Big Chest Interlude Phenomenon Of The Ice Age Chapter Three

Writen by Dennis Siluk

Chapter Three

Map of the Pole in Hudson Bay [The pole was not always in the same location]

Interlude [Phenomenon of the Ice Age]

Man's World

"The World has its phenomenon's, and they all come to life in man's: dreams and visions, and if he lives long enough—his realities. 'After Eve,' is one such phenomenon."

I must say at this intersection of my story, and I must give part of it away by telling you this, for I feel compelled to: as this group headed northbound, they were also stepping into what one might call a observable fact, like the Garden of Eve, in the first book I wrote, pertaining to this very story, of which was of course, the stepping stone to this story—and this being an extension of the previous one; this one consisting of two-dreams within a few days, the other one being one long, very long dream-vision. Now when I say observable fact, I mean something unusual, yet a phenomenon in its own right.

So saying, it is believed, and can be proven: but I am not here to prove anything, but in this story, it should not be taken that the North Pole of today is where it was when Big-chest was alive; oh no, that would be hideous, and not even workable for him—or this story, or practical, nor would it satisfy Mother Nature; in all printability, the group headed north, and north would soon turn into West, and it was, the North Pole at one time existing in the Yukon District, and then again it was in the Greenland Sea area and at another time in the far past, it was in the Hudson Bay area [amongst other places]. And then today we have it where it is, in its geographical location—for now anyhow, or one can also point to its magnetic positions, both being quite a distance apart. But what is actually happening now to Big-chest is that they are, in point of fact—walking into the Arctic region, and will find the Arctic waters are not as wintry as expected, rather a sharp warmer climate, as will be the climatic changes taking place when they, if they—shift west.

Likewise, as they venture into the unknown of the day, they will see the sites of the mountains, when they are really piles of volcanic matter? We are talking about the European side of the world still; all in all, the transition of the North Pole is in transition at this very moment in this story, and in the last 120,000-years it should be noted, it has changed a number of times as I previous said (if we were to go back further in this story, it would have changed positions potentially some 200-times), some believe by the movement of the crust of the earth; producing at times land bridges for migration purposes, and still others believe the crossing of the continents was completed by sunken continents, and yet another theory is crossing by ice, such as ice-bergs or one-hundred mile ice sheets floating from one continent to the other. This is really not my concern, that is, how it happened in the past, that being, farther back than Big-chest, it just did happen, and in this case we got to get Big-chest moving on to where fate calls him. I just hope they will leave their cave and go on further to discover this phenomena and then they will believe, if not you, and so my dream has pointed out. Should they not, they will be left resembling the bones of the walruses. And so we have an Ice Age in the changing mode, dead walruses, and a group of people that seem to be getting along, quite a different scenario than the last hypothesis in: 'Before Eve'.

The Last Member

[It hit each and every member privately.]

There was one more member
That should have been counted—
But no one knew who it was:
On their long journey into the Arctic

He was even counted by his friends,
—Somehow, someway; but once

[Part one of the poem: part two will be in the end chapter]

See Dennis' web site:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Site For Cash

Writen by Anavaratham Ayyasamy

Site Build It!

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

Connecting The Dots Of The Paranormal Little People And Fairies

Writen by Robert Kreuk

Whatever our current, modern thought on Little People and fairies, the fact legends and stories exist of them in cultures around the world is hard to dispute. No other area is a attached to these creatures as England, Ireland, and Scotland possessing some amazing stories of these beings. Sightings of Little People and fairies continue to this day, and perhaps even some of our modern sightings of things we don't understand could be this phenomena as well. Here an example of a recent sighting from the book Fairies: Real Encounters With Little People by Janet Bord:

"Quite recently, probably in the early 1990s, fifteen-year-old Brian Collins was on holiday in the Aran Islands off west Donegal. While out walking early one morning he saw two little men fishing from a bank overlooking the sea. They were about 3 and a half feet tall, dressed in green with brown boots. One had a grey beard and a flat hat. They were laughing and talking in Irish, and suddenly they jumped over the bank. When Brian went to look for them, they had gone, but they had left a pipe behind. He took it back to the house where he was staying, but while there dissappeared from a locked drawer. When Brian saw the little men again, he tried to photograph them and tape-record their conversation, but nothing came out."

The point of the modern day sighting is to really show these events still happen. Fairies vary in size, shape and appearance, but when seen the person involved in the sighting is aware of what they're looking at. As the above sighting shows our movie and storybooks depicting these beings as small, sometimes bearded, and commonly dressed in green or brown may be based on sightings and reports of them. The classic book The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies by Reverend Robert Kirk details the life and culture of these beings. It was believed he got his information from local folklore and tales where he grew up in Aberfoyle, Scotland. A diary of his has since been found directly regarding this subject matter called The Secret Lives of Elves and Fairies; From The Private Journal of The Reverend Robert Kirk where, if you can believe it, he says he conversed and visited these beings where they dwell in the Fairy Realm.

Kirk is not the only person who has claimed to have gone where these beings live. He called it "The Lands Beneath" and said the fairies lived inside the Earth. In the sightings and stories I've read through there seems to be at least a few where people report two different things, or call them different things, but may be the same phenomena. A common one over time is the nature spirit. In the eyes of the witnesses the beings share a lot of smilarities. But can we trust our eyes with this area of the paranormal?

Both of the above books suggest that fairies, or some races of them, can shapeshift. They sometimes use what's called "glamor" to change their appearance, perhaps letting us see what we think we should be seeing. This is also a common believe in fairy lore and seems to be lending itself to modern studies and researchers trying their best to define something that may not be definable and simply look how our mind tells us it should look. Over the centuries many common threads can be found with these beings, glamor and shapeshifting are among them. People seeing them dissappear into thin air is also concurrent with lots of sightings.

The very nature of these beings makes proving their existence next to impossible. Do we really have to prove if they exist or not to get the bottom of other things though? We already have mountains of information on them going back the last few hundred years. It may be time to use the fantastic to help provide clues and missing pieces to other areas of the fantastic. Other cultures besides the Scottish and Irish thought them to be fact, such as the Cherokee Indians designating a name for them. Perhaps Little People and fairies should be filed under Cryptozoology to make things a little simpler. A couple fairy beliefs and abilities seen and reported by these creatures overlap with other areas of the paranormal.

I don't know what the entire picture of this is supposed to look like, but I hope I'm not the only one looking. In this area one sometimes has to stretch their beliefs and believe for a second something might be possible. Fact is often stranger than things fiction could dream up. Maybe you really did see a small being in the corner of your eye.

Robert Kreuk is owner of The Future Sight Metaphysical Bookstore. See our selection of books and ebooks aimed at conneting the dots to the paranormal.

Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tales Of Poseidona Part V Quotmountains Of Hellquot

Writen by Dennis Siluk

Port of Poseidonia: The nor'easter [And the Mountains of Hell]

Let us not all believe Atlantis did not have its secrets, and dark powers, for it surely did. And this sketch will bring forth, one of them. (Part V)

The Storm

A thousand years had passed and the late King of Atlantis, Phrygian, with his Queen Ais were neither a day older or younger since they had journeyed into the Great Gulf of Hell, with its turbulent waters at times, and its endless dim fog that covered their presence. They had drifted aimlessly like water-rats, ghosts of the abyss. It was around the year 9,600 BC, and there came a great hurricane, cyclone in the gulf; it looked as if the whole earth had collapsed, went upside down; a tempest that shook the foundations of Hell itself a nor'easter winds, vortex that twisted everything about. Ais hung on to Phrygian and Phrygian hung on to the vessel, lest they be caught in the water for a thousand years with bobbing heads up and down out of the water like drowning porpoises. When the storm had settled and the earth stopped shaking they found themselves still within the vessel, but on the side of a mountain top—a peak of sorts, it was about the size of the craft, sticking out of the water, not much more than a few feet, and the vessel was for the most part, destroyed as its side was struck, its thick wood crushed into the hard granite rock of the mountain peak.

And so the cracked vessel (along its shell ((side bottom)), cracked like an egg, gave the two inhabitants no choice but to leave its domain: for the insides of the craft were pushed and cracked to one side of the boat, and falling apart, unusable.

As they found themselves outside of the craft on the rock lingering about, thinking, the king knew there was no hope, once cast into Hell—I mean, to the landing docks of hell, and then inland where one sees the real Hell, as Hell. The Hell that resided at the pier was simply its transit station one might say, and the gulf, its water were the parade of ships that carried the doomed ones might add—to their fate; as the onlookers at the docks saw the parade of hundreds of ships, boats of all sizes rowing in, coming in, some sailing in on windy days, they smirked and laughed and gave a grave welcoming.

The Discovery

In this land of the dead, hours were days and days were months and months were years, and the seasons seldom changed. Abaddon and Zammrel, Lucifer's lieges, were on the look out for the king and queen, but were blinded by the thick fog often, and as spellbinding and supernatural as they were, they were not omnipotent, or omnipresent: they could not be at two places at one time or command Hell's foundations to not give refuge to seekers, the only problem is, for the seeker, for it was normally just a matter of time, for where could a runaway go? And their constant movements with the boat provided some escape, but now it would not be so hard to be found as it was before, it was just a matter of time as they had always know likely, the little hope they had was gone; was hope just a game saying: look how hard you tried, and see, you tried in vain. And as the days passed one by one as they hid along side the rocks, half under the water half hugging the tips of the rocks, which were really the mountain tops, being missed by a thread, but by a glance or two, had they looked longer, straighter, possibly the seekers would have, might have spotted them to capture. The king could see on the faces of Zammrel and Abaddon, lurid eyes of hate, wanting to be the heroes who brought him back to the Gates of Hell, to Hells domain, to hells' everlasting torments.

The rock, the rock, that is all they had left to them, for them, with them; it was the mother of rocks to them, the womb that covered them, their salvation—for God was not watching, present in Hell, only the god of Hell was in Hell, Satan, someplace, and usually he didn't' like being there and was seldom there to be frank, it was His henchmen he ordered to do his dirty work, his kings and generals and henchmen. Yet Ais remained strong with her husband unselfishly strong, and so claimed each and every day to be his wife, she was a proud one thought the king, and a faithful one. They were about midway between the entrance of the gulf and the pier. Twenty miles each way perhaps, surely no wider in total length than forty-miles thought the king; but now it was deeper, much deeper, and as deep to hold a mountain below his feet—possibly five miles deep. All the mountains or hills before were on the other side of the gulf, where the pier was. On the opposite side of the gulf was what was known as Paradise, a place he was forbidden to touch, go to, nor could any one from Hell expect to be granted access to such a place if they could get close enough to smell the fresh breeze, cool fresh breeze that existed beyond this lifeless airless atmosphere. Oh it had its moments, but hot air on air was not a magical moment, and it is no wonder the Ten-Winged Serpent Satan Himself would not come down here often, it was a land of decay.

With many a hiss from the gulf stream, and the clutching of eyes that rowed the oars in the vessels that went by, he decided to venture deeper into the waters to look for a possible entrance into the mountain, a cave of sorts, anything to hide from this eternal domination that wanted to enslave him once captured. Yes, in spite of all, the king had some kind of hope, something that made him search and search, day after day, for an entrance. But he found only cliff after cliff, until the one-hundredth time, there he found an opening, small as it was, it was an opening nonetheless.

The Entrance

They were like two shadows chained together—both used to one another, it was a love no one would believe in books, it was hard to believe in reality, in desperation they loved even more than previous to their downfall.

—They had found a crevice, crack—a peak-hole you might say into an underwater mountain; this strange refuge gave them a rest as they pushed their slinky forms through it. It was fathoms bellow, and as they sank a graveyard of bones lay all about, an eldritch-dark, misty gloom, ivory-laced black moss circled about. It was the gloom of the earth, and the first night there was: phobic, neurotic mind bending occurrences for them; with its tight-macabre walls closing in on each side of them—ebbing. They didn't think things could get worse, but just its lack of light was worse than the surface of the water with all its danger and fog included. Nonetheless they slept a night in peace, unguarded for once, so they acquired one gift, at a price of another, for sleeping in the Hell was impossible, and in the waters of the gulf, seldom could they both sleep at any one given time; yes, sleep was a privilege, a gift, and treasured by all, and all they needed to do was remember a thousand years of not sleeping; so this was their outlook on the matter, and gift in the raw.

They had woke up, or so it seem, days later, or possibly weeks or months later, time was not measured by distance or movements, it was measured by events more so. And waking up to know what was going on was time. If a boatman oared by you, and then another one shortly after, one might say it was five minutes or five hours between events. Then if there was more fog, and the spotting of these vessels were less seldom, then time was measured accordingly, one would have to allow more time for each event. It became simple after a while for the couple, after a hundred or so years that is, and then after a thousand years they didn't even have to think on measuring time it was automatic. Their guess was that they'd been down there between eight hundred to 1500-years. But it was a thousand years they were there, take or give a few.

The Discovery

Now Phrygian and Ais saw a moved rock, a rock they had leaned against, oh yes, thick shadows have weight, believe it or not. And they quickly moved the surface of that area, and a larger hole opened—not too large just enough to seep through it like curled up worms digging their way to freedom, to the top of the surface of land. And when they came out on the other end, to their amazement they saw a city, a city deep within the core of the mountain, a necropolis, a resting place for a dead city of Atlantis; towers and temples all laying about as if a hurricane, or earthquake had caused some kind of earthly catastrophe, potentially an upheaval—volcanic activity, or asteroid or meteorite impacted the earth—something on that order

as they got closer within this mammoth core of the mountain—in the inner cave, pieces of oxide (iron) were all about and other minerals like globs of nickel lay here and there, that told the king it was highly, and most likely a meteor (s) that struck the earth, thus, elsewhere, if not everywhere there would be craters on earth, this was the upshot of the ocean floor. It had evidently sunk, and turned things a little upside down (what before was land, was mountains, some below the seas; probably even what were cities could now be on top of mountains that had never previously existed); furthermore, it was possible the earth itself became lopsided, and very promising unbalanced the earth's axis; in addition, this upheaval of the oceans floors, was surely the cause of the earth being sprayed with large and small portions of a huge asteroid from an asteroid belt, or one, or a dozen, likely frozen rocks, flying by earth, and through the earths atmospheres.

But on the other brighter side, they had found—as they came closer to the towers, found the larger tower, and the acropolis, it was Atlantis' graveyard. It was Atlantis itself, their previous home. Then by a standing upright temple, came Anases, in shadow form, like them—configurations of dark mass. On one hand it was a rude awakening for all, and on the other, a jubilee for all, for none had seen another being in a very long time.

"Phrygian," he cried with a crack in his voice, "And Ais, I am so glad to see you."

Asked Phrygian, in a lost commanding voice, a more human one than when he was Archeking of Atlantis, "My old friend, what are you doing here?"

"Oh yes," he replied, looking about, "Yes, yes, I am looking for my scrolls, I had them in the tower as you must remember—I think, but I can't find them, how will the world ever know of our existence?"

"They will make tales of us," the old king now said with a nostalgic voice, "they will tell wild and long tales; yes, yes indeed that is exactly what they will do." Then Anases left them as they stood, and started searching every rock, fissure he could find, the scrolls.

As they walked further into the debris, and looked about, a tour of sorts, looking at the few standing buildings; there within the tour, they turned to each other, Ais saying,

"At least we're home." But she was day-dreaming of the days of glory and beauty of Atlantis, which surely the old king was doing also and her words came out in poetry:

The Lost Archkingdom Atlantis

Her nine-sided ivory tower obelisks,
Atlantis' throne to kings and gods:
Were topped with trident crowns—

Her towers, temples, and turrets:
Her tapestries and treasures of fur—
Fountains, pools and waterfalls,
Her gardens, lilies and poppies,
Her sculptures, palaces, observatories,
Her giant pearls of Yndessoss!
Coral reds and whites from Mu,
Lemuria's vast urns and vases—
Give glory to you: Archkingdom, Atlantis

Lost forever in the deep fathoms of Hell….

See Dennis' web site:

Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dont Rent A Vehicle Until Your Read This

Writen by D Ruplinger

If you are renting a car or other vehicle, the process will be the easiest and smoothest if you have a credit card to use for the transaction. Some car rental companies won't even rent you a vehicle if you don't have a credit card for payment. If the car rental company does allow you to rent without a credit card, you may have to pay a large cash deposit to cover any potential damage to the vehicle you are renting. If you are using a travel agent and do not have a credit card, ask your agent about using pre-paid vouchers to pay for your vehicle rental. A voucher is typically easier to use than cash when renting a vehicle.

Be aware that a large part of your credit line on your credit card may be tied up while the rental vehicle is in your possession. The car rental company may place a certain amount of money on hold on your credit card for possible additional charges such as late return fees and damage fees. The charge won't be processed unless you incur those additional expenses. But because that money is on hold you won't have it available to you for other purchases so you may want to use for other purchases such as your hotel.

Your driving record may be a factor when you rent a vehicle. Not all car rental companies check driving records but some do. If your driving record doesn't meet the car rental company's standards they will not let you rent from them. To prevent this from happening check with the car rental agency to see if they check driving records and what their standards are.

Twenty five is the magic age when renting a vehicle. If you are at least twenty five years of age you will not incur additional fees to rent a vehicle. If you are between the ages of eighteen and twenty five you will likely be required to pay more money for renting your car than a twenty five or older driver. If you are under 18 years of age you will not be able to rent a vehicle in the US. Although those rules may not seem fair, it is just the way it is in the car rental industry

Rental car companies will offer you various optional insurance and waiver options, but you may already be covered. Before you go to rent a vehicle, check with both your personal auto insurance agent and with your credit card company. You may already have protection if you have an accident, lose, or damage your rental vehicle. If you do have protection, you shouldn't need to purchase the collision damage waiver or CDW offered by the car rental company because it will be a duplication of coverage you already have.

If you do purchase a CDW, keep in mind that it is not insurance but an agreement between you and the car rental company stating that you will not be liable for loss or damage to the rental vehicle as long as you comply with conditions stated in the agreement. Those conditions are common sense ones such as not driving while under the influence of alcohol, not driving the vehicle off-road, and not allowing an unauthorized person to drive the vehicle. A CDW will almost always not cover you though for personal injuries or damage to personal property sustained while using the rental vehicle. If you are renting overseas though, you may not have a choice of whether or not or purchase a CDW. Some countries require you to purchase it.

If you are renting a vehicle overseas you may need to obtain an international driving permit. Check on this before you show up at the overseas rental car counter.

After you get to your rental vehicle walk around the outside of it and inspect it for any possible damage. If you notice damage such as a dent or noticeable scratch report it to the lot attendant right away and get it noted on your rental agreement so you won't be liable for that damage. I learned this lesson the hard way. On one of my first rentals I noticed a dent in the vehicle, told the lot attendant about it who told me not to worry about it. I didn't insist he write anything on my rental agreement stating the damage was already on the vehicle when I picked it up. When I returned the vehicle the rental car company wanted to charge me for that dent. I eventually got my money back but it took time me quite a bit of time and frustration to get those charges reversed.

If you find you are going to return your rental vehicle more than 4 hours late, call the rental company and arrange for an additional day's rental. Although most companies allow you a one hour grace period before they start to charge you additional money, the hourly rates can quickly add up to more than the cost of an entire day's rental. Usually when you get to the 4 hour mark, renting the vehicle for an additional day is cheaper than paying the hourly late fees.

About The Author
D Ruplinger is a featured writer for For more information about vehicle rentals visit

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