Live on T.V. [The Rating War]
"Ratings went up last week," the fat, rich T.V. station manager said.
"Due to what coverage ?" asked my wife.
"It was a battle in Iraq (or was it Afghanistan?)
"I'm not sure but the enemy just killed one-hundred U.S. Marines: Blacks Jews Spanish Poor Whites!
"The analysis will now repeat the scenes (verbally) on the radio cash in, while they can!...
#1264 3/7/06
It took a while, but the while was willing to wait; pale-faced one that never saw lightness, lightness being something you give-off, radiate, and receive; but it never comes from a pale face,
either way. This maybe hard to believe, but for some it takes a lifetime to conceive.
#1265 3/7/06
Bitter Patience [At the Bookstore Café]
When the budget came to mind and her friend discussed it out loud with hershe delivered the verdict (after two-hours of hot clashes) a cool decision prevailed
there are points to this high silence prier to her verdict (her friend tripping over her tongue, a cracking of her voice,
somewhat; the clock ticking) her friend now says (clears her throat, holds herself ready) says: "Guilty!
that is life."
"Not much leftover ;" says the bewildered. She forgets a bill of $34.00. (Woops, less now.)
Speaking in a soft voice, mingled with raw reality, she is spending more than she is acquiring (easy to do I say in my mind); she sees the circumstance, says,: "I got enough for some white rice ." They both get up from their chairs, leave the table, books here and there, "Bye," they say with a smile (each); leave with bitter patience.
#1266 3/7/06
See Dennis' web site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com |
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