Reincarnation and the spiritual development religions that Hinduism, Buddism, Yoga, and other Eastern religions teach is not a new subject. The super human abilities that some seem to possess, even if they are not followers of these religions, is something that still baffles and perplexes the scientific world to this day. People who claim to do be able to do super human feats say anyone and everyone can perform them, so the connection to us and their abilities deeper rooted?
Spiritual growth and karmic balances are strong with the previously mentioned religions and non-followers also point toward a good will to all. This is important to note because it would seem, as one progresses in spirit, the laws of the material world, as we see it, gradually falls in line with the spiritual attuned individual. The idea is that we, over many life times, seek to balance our Karma and develop the spiritual side of us to find out "High Self" or become "Enlightened". The terminology changes a bit over these beliefs, but the driving goal seems to be the same. Due to our life span not being long enough, normally, to finish this process, we come back to incarnate another body to continue or training and learn the lessons needed to get there. So, this is where we hit the super human side of what seems to be modern day twists on ancient religions.
For example there is Devraha Baba, and Indian saint who lived in Mathura. His family tree places his age at around 250 years! It was rumored he lived over 700. He was called "The Ageless Yogi" having gain mastery over his hunger and time of his death. Subbayah Pullavar, another Indian yogi, had been recorded levitating for five minutes in front of 150 witnesses. Sri Sathya Sai Baba was called the "Man of Miracles" and seemed to be able to perform astonishing things. They included materializing objects from thin air, resurrection, healing all types of diseases, as well as possessed the ability to read one's thoughts.
These men, and many like them, were very spiritual men with many years of life devoted to their own spiritual development. It would seem that even death can be defied by one who is able to attain such a level. An ability to increase life span, or to transfer one's soul, to balance out Karma in a single lifetime is even one of the Minor Siddhi powers in the path of Kundalini Yoga. As ancient as these beliefs are, it would seem they understood a connection between the spirit and a cycle of new incarnations before finding, for lack of a better word, "enlightenment". At it's higher levels or mastery and understanding men such as those mentioned above shine through as having super human abilities, but perhaps that's just a path we all have to take and discover. Until beliefs like this and their connections to science spread to more people, this aspect may be locked in the "paranormal" realm.
Here, I think, another look to ancient knowledge will be our best guide in understanding ourselves and how we directly relate to paranormal phenomena.
Robert Kreuk is an independant paranormal investigator and owner of |
1 comment:
My father was always fond of saying that you can't know where you're going if you don't know where you come from. I agree with that, especially where paranormal activity and spiritual growth are concerned, simply because I think societies of the past were more spiritually in tune than we are today. That being said, one of the best books I've read on spiritual growth and paranormal experiences is Their Way Home, by Melissa Van Rossum. She's a ghost guide who helps disincarnates cross over, and has written not only about her experiences, but the lessons learned in the process, both by her and the beings she encounters.
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