Saturday, June 28, 2008

Organization Is The Key To Maximizing Your Tivo

Writen by Barb Gary

Maximize Your TIVO

Isn't Tivo just the greatest invention EVER? I love mine and this article is just some helpful tips I use myself to keep my tivo to the maximum level it can have.

Mine is only a 30 hour unit which I thought would be insuffient but I have made it work nicely. If yours has more hours you are really sitting on a goldmine of possibilites.

I have 42 season passes set up. All regular Tv series I watch are setup to "save 5 episodes" and "until I delete". That way there is no chance of you having one not record.

Every day I check my tivo to do list by going to the end of it and changing the date of all programs that were added with until I delete that day as it keeps a running calendar of events for you.

I change them all to keep 3 days or whatever you need. The point is don't leave them set at "until I delete" or you will run out of precious space.

This alone will help you keep your tivo running perfectly for you. It frees up an immense amount of disc space so do it every single day so that you can load it up, make that your top priority task to do each morning, whether you are rushing to work or a stay at home parent. It is the most important thing you need to do for the day. There are some programs I set as until space needed which is mainly any decorating-hgtv shows, cooking programs, biographies...that sort of thing.

The reason is; they always get recorded anyway but this allows more space for your tivo to do it's thing. It's kind of like a guy it's there and it will do it's job, but it usually needs some breathing room.

If I add any of these type programs manually instead of a season pass I always just let the default until space needed be used. This puts those shows at a lower priority. It will tell you when you run out of space, don't panic just read the screen carefully and take it from there. I know it is frightening the first few times you have a message pop up from tivo.

Using all my methods I can get my tivo to load up 14 pages in it's to do list, which is an amazing amount since it is only a 30 hour tivo unit! I can safely keep 2 full pages on my now playing list at all times, which is a ton of shows. I watch a lot of tv but this is the best way to do it, I've spent many hours perfecting this way which is why I wanted to share it with others. It doesn't rush you to get anything removed. When my pages are all full I have at least 100 hours of tv programs on my tivo at any given time.

On your season pass list use their feature to put each one into a priority level. It takes a bit of time but is well worth it, afterall you don't want to miss an episode of Desperate Housewives, 24 or gasp, Alias do you? I thought not. Set your favorite shows at top priority #1, #2...and work your list down, you'll be so glad that you did because it may save you heartache in the future if something you love didn't get recorded.

The only problem I have ever had with my tivo is you need to check against often to make sure a series you watch is on or not. Because if they changed the time of showing your show like from 8 pm to 10 sometimes tivo won't catch it. Also, you always have to watch for Presidential type interruptions to run over, so set extra time on programs when you can. So, check that site every day, just seeing what is airing that night. Check it with your tivo and make sure your programs are listed on your tivo to do list.

If not, go do a title search for upcoming showings. It only takes a few minutes and it's well worth your time. This happened to me with an episode of Smallville that I am hoping they will re-air. Gotta have my Lex Luther fix afterall.

Keep a notebook page titled tivo handy at all times. In it write a seperate page for Sunday-thru Saturday what programs you actually have on your tivo. This list will help you keep track.

That way, you have a running total of everything you actually watch.

Just put Sunday:

8pm name of show channel

8pm show channel

9pm show channel

9pm show channel

10pm show channel

Get the picture? This will only take a few pages in your notebook but is vital to keeping track of your programs. Check it daily to make sure you have not missed something you love!

I always put a Checkmark next to any show in my notebook that I have a season pass set for. Then you can just glance and see when you see a new commercial for a brand new program coming out whether or not you have an opening that night on your tivo. But, if you check a lot like I do you already know what new shows are coming out in advance. Of course if it's on a local channel you could switch it out and watch it on your antenna and let your other 2 shows record. Your notebook helps you keep track of what you watch is all but it's very important. I always put the channel in case I need to switch out for the antenna. Since I watch over 65 shows a week sometimes it's hard to remember what channel something is actually on.
This notebook will save you a lifetime of aggrevation.

Make yourself a page in your notebook when you're finished with the other project that contains Every one of the shows you watch. Put them all on one page for a quick glance sheet. Anything I have as a season pass that is not marked keep until I delete I don't bother to put in my notebook. Afterall, if it didn't record they are shows that actually repeat, so I can look them up and add them to the tivo manually for a later showing.

I do use the browse my channel feature a lot too. It's just amazing how many good movies and cooking programs you can find using that feature. I bet there are shows you never knew existed.

Set up an actor wishlist for each person you really like and want to see again. I have over 50 names on mine right now. Mainly, it's so you don't have to type them in each time you think of them. It also helps to just run their name every couple of weeks to make sure your'e not going to miss them on one of the late night or early morning talk shows. Sometimes actors give up their best juicy gossip on these type of shows.

I usually record any of these by the last half hour only. Saves time watching it and on your build up of your tivo programs. After all, if you only want to see your favorite person why not just watch the part he/she may be on?

I hope some of these tips help you out in programming your tivo. It is truly the most remarkable invention in my opinion. My son gave me this over a year ago and I've been excited by it ever since. It is by far the best, most used gift I have ever received from anyone. I hope you'll agree.

Barb Gary Copyright 2006
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