Port of Poseidonia: The nor'easter [And the Mountains of Hell]
Let us not all believe Atlantis did not have its secrets, and dark powers, for it surely did. And this sketch will bring forth, one of them. (Part V)
The Storm
A thousand years had passed and the late King of Atlantis, Phrygian, with his Queen Ais were neither a day older or younger since they had journeyed into the Great Gulf of Hell, with its turbulent waters at times, and its endless dim fog that covered their presence. They had drifted aimlessly like water-rats, ghosts of the abyss. It was around the year 9,600 BC, and there came a great hurricane, cyclone in the gulf; it looked as if the whole earth had collapsed, went upside down; a tempest that shook the foundations of Hell itself a nor'easter winds, vortex that twisted everything about. Ais hung on to Phrygian and Phrygian hung on to the vessel, lest they be caught in the water for a thousand years with bobbing heads up and down out of the water like drowning porpoises. When the storm had settled and the earth stopped shaking they found themselves still within the vessel, but on the side of a mountain topa peak of sorts, it was about the size of the craft, sticking out of the water, not much more than a few feet, and the vessel was for the most part, destroyed as its side was struck, its thick wood crushed into the hard granite rock of the mountain peak.
And so the cracked vessel (along its shell ((side bottom)), cracked like an egg, gave the two inhabitants no choice but to leave its domain: for the insides of the craft were pushed and cracked to one side of the boat, and falling apart, unusable.
As they found themselves outside of the craft on the rock lingering about, thinking, the king knew there was no hope, once cast into HellI mean, to the landing docks of hell, and then inland where one sees the real Hell, as Hell. The Hell that resided at the pier was simply its transit station one might say, and the gulf, its water were the parade of ships that carried the doomed ones might addto their fate; as the onlookers at the docks saw the parade of hundreds of ships, boats of all sizes rowing in, coming in, some sailing in on windy days, they smirked and laughed and gave a grave welcoming.
The Discovery
In this land of the dead, hours were days and days were months and months were years, and the seasons seldom changed. Abaddon and Zammrel, Lucifer's lieges, were on the look out for the king and queen, but were blinded by the thick fog often, and as spellbinding and supernatural as they were, they were not omnipotent, or omnipresent: they could not be at two places at one time or command Hell's foundations to not give refuge to seekers, the only problem is, for the seeker, for it was normally just a matter of time, for where could a runaway go? And their constant movements with the boat provided some escape, but now it would not be so hard to be found as it was before, it was just a matter of time as they had always know likely, the little hope they had was gone; was hope just a game saying: look how hard you tried, and see, you tried in vain. And as the days passed one by one as they hid along side the rocks, half under the water half hugging the tips of the rocks, which were really the mountain tops, being missed by a thread, but by a glance or two, had they looked longer, straighter, possibly the seekers would have, might have spotted them to capture. The king could see on the faces of Zammrel and Abaddon, lurid eyes of hate, wanting to be the heroes who brought him back to the Gates of Hell, to Hells domain, to hells' everlasting torments.
The rock, the rock, that is all they had left to them, for them, with them; it was the mother of rocks to them, the womb that covered them, their salvationfor God was not watching, present in Hell, only the god of Hell was in Hell, Satan, someplace, and usually he didn't' like being there and was seldom there to be frank, it was His henchmen he ordered to do his dirty work, his kings and generals and henchmen. Yet Ais remained strong with her husband unselfishly strong, and so claimed each and every day to be his wife, she was a proud one thought the king, and a faithful one. They were about midway between the entrance of the gulf and the pier. Twenty miles each way perhaps, surely no wider in total length than forty-miles thought the king; but now it was deeper, much deeper, and as deep to hold a mountain below his feetpossibly five miles deep. All the mountains or hills before were on the other side of the gulf, where the pier was. On the opposite side of the gulf was what was known as Paradise, a place he was forbidden to touch, go to, nor could any one from Hell expect to be granted access to such a place if they could get close enough to smell the fresh breeze, cool fresh breeze that existed beyond this lifeless airless atmosphere. Oh it had its moments, but hot air on air was not a magical moment, and it is no wonder the Ten-Winged Serpent Satan Himself would not come down here often, it was a land of decay.
With many a hiss from the gulf stream, and the clutching of eyes that rowed the oars in the vessels that went by, he decided to venture deeper into the waters to look for a possible entrance into the mountain, a cave of sorts, anything to hide from this eternal domination that wanted to enslave him once captured. Yes, in spite of all, the king had some kind of hope, something that made him search and search, day after day, for an entrance. But he found only cliff after cliff, until the one-hundredth time, there he found an opening, small as it was, it was an opening nonetheless.
The Entrance
They were like two shadows chained togetherboth used to one another, it was a love no one would believe in books, it was hard to believe in reality, in desperation they loved even more than previous to their downfall.
They had found a crevice, cracka peak-hole you might say into an underwater mountain; this strange refuge gave them a rest as they pushed their slinky forms through it. It was fathoms bellow, and as they sank a graveyard of bones lay all about, an eldritch-dark, misty gloom, ivory-laced black moss circled about. It was the gloom of the earth, and the first night there was: phobic, neurotic mind bending occurrences for them; with its tight-macabre walls closing in on each side of themebbing. They didn't think things could get worse, but just its lack of light was worse than the surface of the water with all its danger and fog included. Nonetheless they slept a night in peace, unguarded for once, so they acquired one gift, at a price of another, for sleeping in the Hell was impossible, and in the waters of the gulf, seldom could they both sleep at any one given time; yes, sleep was a privilege, a gift, and treasured by all, and all they needed to do was remember a thousand years of not sleeping; so this was their outlook on the matter, and gift in the raw.
They had woke up, or so it seem, days later, or possibly weeks or months later, time was not measured by distance or movements, it was measured by events more so. And waking up to know what was going on was time. If a boatman oared by you, and then another one shortly after, one might say it was five minutes or five hours between events. Then if there was more fog, and the spotting of these vessels were less seldom, then time was measured accordingly, one would have to allow more time for each event. It became simple after a while for the couple, after a hundred or so years that is, and then after a thousand years they didn't even have to think on measuring time it was automatic. Their guess was that they'd been down there between eight hundred to 1500-years. But it was a thousand years they were there, take or give a few.
The Discovery
Now Phrygian and Ais saw a moved rock, a rock they had leaned against, oh yes, thick shadows have weight, believe it or not. And they quickly moved the surface of that area, and a larger hole openednot too large just enough to seep through it like curled up worms digging their way to freedom, to the top of the surface of land. And when they came out on the other end, to their amazement they saw a city, a city deep within the core of the mountain, a necropolis, a resting place for a dead city of Atlantis; towers and temples all laying about as if a hurricane, or earthquake had caused some kind of earthly catastrophe, potentially an upheavalvolcanic activity, or asteroid or meteorite impacted the earthsomething on that order
as they got closer within this mammoth core of the mountainin the inner cave, pieces of oxide (iron) were all about and other minerals like globs of nickel lay here and there, that told the king it was highly, and most likely a meteor (s) that struck the earth, thus, elsewhere, if not everywhere there would be craters on earth, this was the upshot of the ocean floor. It had evidently sunk, and turned things a little upside down (what before was land, was mountains, some below the seas; probably even what were cities could now be on top of mountains that had never previously existed); furthermore, it was possible the earth itself became lopsided, and very promising unbalanced the earth's axis; in addition, this upheaval of the oceans floors, was surely the cause of the earth being sprayed with large and small portions of a huge asteroid from an asteroid belt, or one, or a dozen, likely frozen rocks, flying by earth, and through the earths atmospheres.
But on the other brighter side, they had foundas they came closer to the towers, found the larger tower, and the acropolis, it was Atlantis' graveyard. It was Atlantis itself, their previous home. Then by a standing upright temple, came Anases, in shadow form, like themconfigurations of dark mass. On one hand it was a rude awakening for all, and on the other, a jubilee for all, for none had seen another being in a very long time.
"Phrygian," he cried with a crack in his voice, "And Ais, I am so glad to see you."
Asked Phrygian, in a lost commanding voice, a more human one than when he was Archeking of Atlantis, "My old friend, what are you doing here?"
"Oh yes," he replied, looking about, "Yes, yes, I am looking for my scrolls, I had them in the tower as you must rememberI think, but I can't find them, how will the world ever know of our existence?"
"They will make tales of us," the old king now said with a nostalgic voice, "they will tell wild and long tales; yes, yes indeed that is exactly what they will do." Then Anases left them as they stood, and started searching every rock, fissure he could find, the scrolls.
As they walked further into the debris, and looked about, a tour of sorts, looking at the few standing buildings; there within the tour, they turned to each other, Ais saying,
"At least we're home." But she was day-dreaming of the days of glory and beauty of Atlantis, which surely the old king was doing also and her words came out in poetry:
The Lost Archkingdom Atlantis
Her nine-sided ivory tower obelisks,
Atlantis' throne to kings and gods:
Were topped with trident crowns
Her towers, temples, and turrets:
Her tapestries and treasures of fur
Fountains, pools and waterfalls,
Her gardens, lilies and poppies,
Her sculptures, palaces, observatories,
Her giant pearls of Yndessoss!
Coral reds and whites from Mu,
Lemuria's vast urns and vases
Give glory to you: Archkingdom, Atlantis
Lost forever in the deep fathoms of Hell .
See Dennis' web site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com |
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