Chapter Five
The Killings
For myself, I was like in a trance, when I heard what she had done, was doing, and my eyes being part of her vision quest; saw what she down in a vision, as Manual sucked her thoughts out, and I his. Whom was this new radiant being, soul of a lost queen, existence out of a mist, a spirit out of a dark corner of a hollow tablet. She had taken the wings of her soul and few from Peru, where my father was in Huancayo, to Lima, where I had lived, and like a whale, or spawning tuna, she found her way back home, to her ancient land of Sumer, where archeologists had dug her remains up years before. (They all like to remove them, but in doing so, they leave the haunting residue; all in the name of civilized Archeology.) The high culture of Sumer was perhaps 3500 BC; she was not yet born then, but the gods of Sumer were; they were the Titans of Crete, the god's of Egypt, all went to Sumer eventually. They were the offspring, the hybrids of the Angelic Renegades of the time of Enoch.
What did she do after my father's? She looked for her bones, her residue, under the shade of a willow-tree. Once in Lima again, she had gazed into the eyes of a child, her soaring and bent spirit was indeed in a revelation to the child, who saw a deadly Manticore ready to feast on her: shethe queen Manticore, as the child moved away, her joy and rapture was supreme! She devoured it like a giant snake would devour giant rodents, with one leap. It was not so different than the sacrifices 4500-years ago she felt. The folks of Lima, all held their child's hands firmly, to go on with their daily discourse:
"We can perhaps contact the other two parts of her soul, it will take some astronomical calculations," said Mary Garcia. It was why I called her to my house, to see if it was possible with this true orientation I was having, possible to use astrology in this quest.
But let me continue with the Beast part of the Queen, the second soul, the Manticore. The child was only the first day, and as unsusceptible as it sounds, nevertheless, I will continue, day-by-day if need be. It was by this means, rip and tar, and devour the Manticore intensified her feeding, or feeling for the need of flesh.
Dead hearts were found in empty tombs throughout Lima, Peru, men, women, all died with a mystery behind them; a magic mystery. They corresponded exactly with the time period my father died, and the tablet was given to me, and this meeting.
"In such times as these we need supernatural wisdom, a thunderbolt would help. There are only loose ends to tie up I do believe, and if we can capture it, all the better, and now that I've learned what I've learned, I have no intentions to gather her other soulsthe more I think about itsave, we all become a party to more dead bodies. We must do this fast, while she is at her own gravesite, which I think she is now. We must recapture her, and put her back into where she came from.
"Now as to this tablet, perhaps we can use its magic later, or in capturing her, it has some principles of darkness to it.
Chapter Six The Candle of Life
We all believed something had to be done, just what it was, was not clear. To be honest, just the thinking of the forthcoming ordeal with the Queen's Second Soul, was terror, it put all of us in a state of terrorism. But she had killed, and not only once but several times in two weeks. Until you've actually lived through it, it is hard to express in words how terror works, it has to be experienced, it manifests its self inside you, unknown danger, which is known only by the soul, the whole nature of it is different.
"We all remained sitting around the table with high spirits, thinking, off and on even some enthusiasm cheeped in, speculative moods came over us. Coffee and coke at our sides, potato chips, some popcorn. Surely this was natural to-night we had to engaged ourselves with the spiritual dead, and summons the second soul of the Queen to us, or go to her: we didn't have a real plan though, I mean, if she really came then what. Perhaps we were thinking of the thrill more than the consequences. Once we did this, she'd know who and where we were, although she knew of me already.
As we looked, and looked at the Queen's sculpture, read the chant on the tablet, it was magnificent, a tiger cat of some great size, with her beautiful head appeared in the mirror across from me, behind the backs of the girls. Her mouth was open wide; her claws were stained with blood. My colleges saw me in amazement, and turned about, and then they saw her also, she motioned me to step back from my seat, and I didnot sure why, and I saw murder in her eyes, tears were dropping from the cheeks of Florencia, Mary and Gloxinia; Manual, covered his eyes with his palms, wiping them several times, and jumped up and ran to the kitchen. The girls were kind of frozen in place. I gripped my way around the table, staring into the mirror, but I stumbled and fell and when I did, I was unconscious, for when I awoke, it was all dark in the house, accordingly, I opened up the curtains, let in the morning air and sunlight. The storm I thought was over, and even said: thank god the night has passed, then I went back to the table quickly to see the girls: merciful god I said, pain in my face, I knew, I sensed it, sick at heart, all lay on the table face down, in terror, impenetrable terror in their eyes, their necks were broken, all my companions, necks broken, and on the kitchen floor, gazing upward was Manuel, hands over his face, trying to protect his eyes from the claws of the Manticore I expect, and his guts laying open on his chest. Then I sat down, to write this letter, and I fear, the words I have will never be good enough to describe what happened, for the scene was undescriptive: plus, I will never be allowed to make it to the hospital I fear: the mirror has eyes, the candle of life will soon be out of me: I've just noticed a hole in my chest."
6/18/2006 dated to Ben S.
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