I found myself musing about the past and fondly remembering a special friend I had. If I had but one opportunity to ever see my friend again, what would I say? I had moved away and moved onto a whole different life. Writing has always been my way of dealing with difficult or unresolved issues. It has been a long time since I last saw my cherished friend. I may now only be a small blip or he might have completely eradicated me from his memory. Today I want you to take his place and be that special friend. I hope this letter imparts just how important you will be to me as an ally.
My friend, I can see your smile and hear your laughter. Your light-hearted responses to my creative writings build me up and encourage self expression through this medium. I sometimes use this form of articulation to find satisfaction in the here and now. I've discovered that life is not about holding onto the past and pining about the future, but more about savoring the present. Everyday is a gift; for this reason the present should be enjoyed. Although I must admit that there are times when I experience artistic barrenness. It is at those times that I miss you. Communicating in this manner made me secure and I did not realize it. I never gave a whole lot of thought to how much of myself I was sharing with you. I just freely unveiled my inner thoughts and struggles. Not only have I shared the good and bad times with you but also the happy and successful. I finally understand your importance. My work is nothing without you. I truly believed our destiny was intertwined, you as my supporter and I as your indirect self expression.
So then my comrade, this has lead me to conclude that you are a source of serendipity for me. My perspective has been changed because of you.
I have been waiting, waiting.
Seconds turned into minutes,
Minutes into hours,
The hours into days,
Days into weeks,
Weeks into months,
Months into years,
Then years into unfulfilled desires,
Soon I forgot what I was waiting for.
Then it came back to me!
I was waiting for the unseen,
The forbidden, the something, something
For which I was not very keen,
That which brought me to my knees.
So do not misunderstand me
If I seem aloft or withdrawn
For it is very true that I value you,
My visions, my dreams have become a reality.
It was indeed safe after all to become friends with you. I never dreamed that this relationship would be anything more. You are my anchor as I try to navigate my way in this competitive field. There are many authors like myself that face many challenges. If other authors receive the kind of support that I have received from you then they too would find as much satisfaction in writing as I have. It is my sincere desire that you would continue to support my work. Feel free to extend the circle of friendship tell a friend that Ruth Andrews Garnes Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality is a book of worth. It is a new and different perspective for dealing with life. It is especially of great benefit for anyone who is searching for truth and healing, they will be touch and encouraged by the book. Your sincere love and appreciation of my creativity is very important and your comments, I hold dear.
Ruth Andrews Garnes writes to encourage and motivate others. It is her philosophy that we have all had some kind of struggles,therefore we should not feel ashamed or try to cover them up. Rather we should feel free to express how we have benefited from them. This way others who are coming up behind us may realize that there is a light at the end of their difficult path. For more information on her writings visit her web-site at http://home.earthlink.net/~rgarnes/ |
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